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14-Day Prayer Campaign

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,” 1 Timothy 2:1 Beloved, prayer must precede everything else we do as a church. It is our foundation and source to receive power from God. Get this, “We are plugged in”! Churches are very fragile. If we are not careful and cautious, divisions can ever so subtly creep into our church and ruin the unity that we experience with one another. Without prayer our focus to achieve all that God has planned for us would be lost. Thus, as believers, it is our responsibility to protect the church from division. From lackluster behaviors. Ephesians 4:3 instructs us to “ maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace .” We must do all that we can to preserve and foster unity in our church. To seek His presence without our ministries. And one of the single most effective means that God has given us to strengthen our unity with one another is corporate prayer. So as we are in the last week of our 14 Day prayer Campaign, lets finish strong! Let the excitement of this prayer campaign ring in our hearts and our homes. Beloved, prayer is an integral part of the life of our church. If we want God to move in power in our lives and our church, then it has to begin with prayer—specifically, corporate prayer. Lastly, I would love to hear testimonies in how God answered your prayer. Feel free to write them in the comment section below. Blessings! Pastor Lloyd “We’re Built for This”

14-Day Prayer Campaign
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