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Be an Agent of Change

Proverbs 17:22 "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones". Glory to God!  The Word transforms surrendered minds and hearts that are devoted to the Lord. The Word is the power bar for our daily walk. It is the energy drink that provides the nutrients a body needs.  The Word has the power to heal those who have been 'ABUSED' physically, mentally or emotionally. Listen, the Word is powerful beyond human intelligence, interventions and natural applications, if applied.  For instance, emotional abuse ranges from consistent indifference to continual belittling of character. Proverbs 18:14 states: "A crushed spirit who can bear"? WOW! Our aim, identify and to assist in the healing process. YES!  Today and going forward, may we all be encouraged to becoming an Agent of Change. An influencer that produces 'JOY' in someone's life. Not a shallow joy, but the JOY that comes from carrying out this verse; "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls".  Matthew 11:28 -29.  Those words are weighted and once truly received and applied, the heaviness will lessen as the burden of abuse is released. Please understand that abuse is a heavy subject and can leave lasting scars. I believe with the assistance of a mental health professional, one can discover healing from the years of scaring. Yet in the same voice, I have witnessed the eternal healing that many received by releasing their burdens to Jesus. Praise His Name! So today, be a Change Agent for the suffering and burden individual. Be an influencer of change to assist someone to remove themselves from the emotional abuse wheel into the process of healing.  Amen! Action: I am an Intentional Change Agent that offers the 'JOY' of the Word.  Prayer: Heavenly Father create in me a sensitive heart that discerns the world needs of Your JOY and Your everlasting LOVE.  2020 'INTENTIONAL' "The JOY of the Lord is MY Strength"

Be an Agent of Change
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