Keeping Connected and Staying Safe
“ For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock .” Psalms 27:5 ( KJV ) Dear family and friends, We sincerely hope and pray that you, your loved ones, and your community are doing well and staying healthy during our social distancing directives. Willow Street Church of God is participating with other ministries bringing communities together in new, healthy, and meaningful ways. The Long Beach Pastors Alliance is making impacts during this crisis. Yet, there are wins that our leadership believes we need to give God praise for : · We moved from in-person worship and training to virtual worship for everyone's safety. We will continue to equip and train our members via our online worship services and virtual meetings · Standing with our Church of God global mission partners who are on the frontlines of addressing the pandemic and caring for those who become ill across the world · Without hesitation, we remain connected with our members to encourage, study and discover methods to connect with seniors and ' REACH ' the unsaved · Praying together using live feeds as such YouTube, conference calls and soon ZOOM and possibly another social media platform · Delivering resources and hosting meetings to advance generosity and gratitude during this difficult time · Offering time-sensitive information from the CDC and our medical advisors We are grateful for the wins during this crisis. CNN reported that as of Saturday, more than 223,000 people worldwide have recovered from COVID-19, based on data from the John Hopkins University’s dashboard. The actual figure is likely to be higher since the data only covers confirmed cases. Willow Street Church of God, 'THANK YOU' for your financial support. THANK YOU for your time , talent and treasure . Willow is healthy, because of God's favor and your support. During this critical time as we continue to help our church family and friends by spreading the gospel, along with supporting our ministry partners such as the Long Beach Rescue Mission and global initiatives during this unprecedented crisis. Together, we remain strong. Beloved, as we manage through this crisis, we shall communicate via mass emails, our website, Facebook and Instagram accounts, videos on our YouTube channel, conference calls and personal phone calls to our seniors. We desire to remain connected and faithful. God bless you and we ' WILL ' get through this as more adherent Believers and as a church family. Glory to His Holy Name . As Pastor Ricky Ward would say; " We were BUILT for this "! In and through Jesus' profound love, Pastor Lloyd and WSCOG Leadership