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Wrapping Up the Year

What an amazing year! As we look back to post 2018 and throughout 2019, we can truly say, " If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say” (Psalm 124:1)! Glory ! Great ones, God displayed His love through the people of Willow Street and unto the communities that we assisted.  Thus, I want to personally thank you for your gifts, time, acts of kindness and moving as one. Willow Street has been committed to the Kingdom agenda and generous giving. As we prepare to enter into the fourth phase of our renovation project, we are excited about the layout of our campus, how it will facilitate ministry and areas that are intentionally creating for fellowship. We will continue to be steadfast and faithful in pursuing hearts and lives for Jesus to see His work done in and through this place. We desire that lives transform to mature believers that please the Lord in their daily walk. We are optimistic that we will create an environment that inspires believers to become Disciples of Christ. Amen. Beloved, I am excited to see what God has fo r us in the New Year and am so very grateful for the gift of journeying alongside you. May we continue to pray earnestly for the unsaved, those captured in strongholds. With the power of the Holy Spirit, all things are possible. When I think about the task that is before us, I am reminded of Nehemiah, who turned to God and asked that He not allow him to fail. After Nehemiah asked God to bless his cause (rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem), Nehemiah and those who had returned to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon worked to make that happen. Nehemiah believed that the wall would protect his countrymen and refused to let opposition deter him. So then he turned to prayer, “ Now strengthen my hands ” (Nehemiah 6:9). Beloved, what God performed through them, He still performs today. He gave Nehemiah the strength to carry out the project to completion. Glory! Willow Street Church of God, let's continue to stand together in His light, His strength, and share His love with those in our surrounding communities. May we keep our focus on reaching the world by holding true to our vision to "Reach, Teach and Grow." We look forward to celebrating and completing 'BIG' things throughout 2020 with you! Pastor Lloyd Harrison Jr. and the WS Leadership

Wrapping Up the Year
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